Sunday, January 18, 2009

Connect the dots!

So here I am on a Sunday night in Sausalito, CA building a blog on my couch or as the title of this post says "connecting the dots" (more on the inspiration for the title later). Never thought I would see the day I would embrace technology with such gusto! But alas, the electronic revolution is here and family calls.

Since learning of my cousin Alessandra's diagnosis of breast cancer I, as everyone else who knows her, has I am sure been trying to figure out how to support her in the coming months of treatment. The phone can be tricky with time zone changes. Email leads to a flooded inbox. And apparently there is not enough space in the garden flat for us all to move in so I have built us a home to all live in...virtually!

I thought creating a blog would be a great place for us all to come together and chat, post photos and provide an outlet for us all to let Danda know that we are all here for her and her family!

So with that said this is my post for the night. I look forward to getting Danda's buy in on this idea and adding each of you to Danda's community. Danda, I think of you nightly, this is my way of letting you know you are in my thoughts! Let it be known I have no idea what I am doing with this website, but then again do any of us ever know what we are really doing, but we are in it together and for that we should give thanks! Love to all!



  1. I knew there was a reason we sent Alexis to Andover and UVM! She is modern unlike her mother who still writes with a quill pen and sends mail via the Pony Express! But here I come, kicking and screeming into the 21st century! I WILL master the technical revolution or know the reason why! (the reason why being that I still think there is a troll that lives under my computer bridge and he hatches endless plans and foils and foolishness in an attempt to disrupt my ardent plans to use my computer for something other than a word processor. My troll's 2nd cousin, once removed, lives in my cell phone. An aunt and a group of cousins inhabit the remote controls of my TV. I am definitley not "up to date", but my desire to keep in touch with Danda and Company forces me to forge ahead! I am going to hit a button and see where this missive ends up.

  2. I agree. I dont understand these things but it certainly is a cheap way to get to England and Saucalito in one quick flight.

  3. Goodness, this idea is taking flight! Welcome Jane! Now let's have a picture. If I can do it, you can! I gather that once we get a few more people, Alexis will connect to Danda and we are off and running! I currently do live messenger, but my typing skills are poor at best and when I use the phone part, there is either an echo or drop outs. I think carrier pigeon might be the way to go if this doesn't work.

  4. I can't tell you how happy I am to have this blog. Like all of you, it has been killing me to not be with Alex in London and feel helpless. I have wondered about connecting with the rest of her friends and family here in the States and who woulda thunk there was such a convenient way. I look forward to being in touch as I think of Alex so many times throughout the day.

    Mary (a.k.a. Alex's friend in Florida)

  5. I only just heard today about Alex's diagnosis, and seeing this space is helping me figure out how to manage the heartache. It's a great idea. Thank you. Alex is one of my oldest and dearest friends, but we have managed to lose each other in the last five years. I want her back. And as I said to her in an email tonight, I want to add my energy to her fight. I have very fond memories of her Aunt's house in Maine, where we gathered in celebration of her engagement. (I had my little blonde smiley toddler of a daughter with me -- she is now 5, and there is a new toddler on the scene.) Is this house that I remember the same house where the technology busting troll lives? If so, I can imagine the pull to gaze out the kitchen window at the magical meandering path is much stronger (under normal circumstances) than the pull to sit in front of a back lit screen. I will work on adding a photo. - Lindsay Jernigan (Vermont,USA)

  6. do I enter myself as "a follower"? - Lindsay

  7. There is a silver lining to every black cloud and the silver lining is that Alessandra and I are spending every day together, something we have not done for 18 years! She is so thankful for all the emails of love and support she has been receiving from all her friends - a great boost to the morale. At some point she will get back to everyone but she is having to conserve time and energy and to focus on her wellbeing. My love and thanks to you all.
