Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Don't sweat it!

Starting again is not easy. I forced myself into my first spin classes in several years. No one should be subjected to such intensity! But I say to myself again, since I have a healthy body I will endure! And off I went on a bike race to nowhere just pedaling and pedaling in place. But I guess without anything else to think about except pedaling and pedaling it gives one a lot of time to think. So I thought about the strength one has to propel oneself forward. It always amazes me when I stop to think that we can carry ourselves with our own two feet or two arms in so many directions. And if our bodies can't take us there, our minds can do the pedaling for us if you excercise that muscle!

On another note sometimes starting something for the first time can be difficult as Alessandra learned today. With gusto she created a gmail account, created a password and got ready to post for the first time on her own blog. But alas technology halted her. Sweetly she contacted me with her angst admitting that she must be doing something wrong, but how hard could it be if my mother could do it. Mom please note you can't get mad at the patient!! But it amazes me that you ALWAYS prove us wrong-you are a technological wizard these days posting on this blog as if you have been doing it your whole life. You amaze me!

So back to Danda getting online. After some serious troubleshooting I found the issue! Low and behold I had not invited the girl who the blog was for to be part of her own blog!! But don't sweat it, today I as of today she should be up and running!


  1. Alexis, I also haven't been invited. Can you do this? Thanks.


  2. "And if our bodies can't take us there, our minds can do the peddling for us if you exercise that muscle."

    Alexis, I so loved what you wrote that I wanted to repeat it. There are so many ways that your words are applicable in my life right now. I am trying to finally loose some weight (long over due) and also to pass my license exam. It is amazing to me how much I have let my own mind get in the way -- clearly neither my mind's muscle (nor other bits) have been getting enough exercise. Its good to be reminded of the power of our attitude.

    Here's wishing us all a healthy year ahead.
