Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chapter 3, Round 1

Hey there,

OK, your last post was not the Bollettino della Vittoria YET, and the two faint shadows in the liver do sound like the old chemo regimen has stopped its magic towards the end. After reading your description, I admit it, I thought that the new regimen sucks, and I am really sorry that you have to go back to the side effects of your first months of the cure. However, each time you have changed chemo schedule your disease has suffered the most; therefore I am confident that this new change, as difficult as it is going to be for you, it is going to be a hundred times worse for... it.

This battle seems to require strength of spirit as much as, if not more than, strength of body. You are showing us every day proof of indomitable strength and determination, and this is what will make you win in the end, more than the chemos, the perfect nutrition regimen, or the support of your troops. Your obstinate motivation and your goal-directed mindset in the adversity are the best recipe for the final victory.

I'm going to reset my count of your chemos, as I did when you started your second regimen. For me, yesterday you started Round 1 of Chapter 3. I know you feel all the rounds on you, from the first to the last, but I want to contribute to your focusing on the positive by marking your adventures--or your achievements--in stages. I really hope Chapter 3 will be like turning a completely new page.

A big hug.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the phrase "obstinate motivation". Who'd have thought obstinate could be such a complement? But it perfectly describes Alex.

