Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Forever Linked

I too love the image of visiting the blog being like sitting down for tea with you Alex. As I have told you many times, having tea and great conversation with you is something that I truly miss with you being so far away. However, I want to give you another image that I use to feel close to you on a daily basis.

In 2004, I left Boston to move back to Florida and be closer to my family. At that time Alex, you gave me a pair of earrings, the same ones in the picture above. You told me that the links in these earrings should remind me that even though we would be living in different cities, we are linked through friendship - always. So now, on the days when I long to be close to you my friend and to feel like I am helping you get through this battle, I wear these earrings and have a physical reminder of you with me.

Love you my friend. ~Mary

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