Sunday, November 8, 2009

Round 16

I so appreciate your full, honest you share the heartache and fear and desperation and exhaustion of the news of the new liver spots (I HATE them I HATE them I HATE them), followed up with your usual remarkable return to the ring. Hearing your anger, your determination, your reframes (now this f*&^er is really in trouble because it isn't going to get that break, after all) -- hearing all of that is my own guide to getting through the heartache and fear and desperation of knowing what you are enduring. How remarkable that you continue to offer that to your "troops." I feel like you are the one holding me up at least as often as I am offering something to boost you. I suppose that is what real mutually empathic relationships are all about, what real friendship is about, what real love is about. Thank you for shining your light so bright that it shows me the way through the darkness of this hell you are in from all the way across the ocean. And you know what else you do that is so amazing and so inspirational? The way you find wonder in the little moments, seek peace in the face of chaos, and appreciate what you have despite your pain and your fear -- I want to breath that in and live it for as many moments of each day as I can. I love you so much. I am so grateful for you. I am crying with you, and I am cheering you on to fight fight fight fight fight fight. And I miss you so achingly and desperately and tangibly. Joanne, thank you for your update about seeing Alex. I read it with thirst and jealousy, and I so appreciate you offering what you saw and heard and felt for those of us who aren't able to be there. With love - Lindsay

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