Saturday, November 21, 2009

a runner's high!


What can I say, I am overjoyed, smiling ear to hear and just plain so happy for you! Your words tell me you are in a good place mind and body. 45 minutes of activity. That is no joke for people who are not battling disease. I am most impressed with you and your mother for getting out there and doing what one might thought could not be done.

To move ones body freely is a glorious feeling. To pick ones feet up one after the other and move forward is invigorating. YOU ARE STEPPING OUT!

I went for a run tonight to try and shake the nerves of wedding planning off. And without fail it worked. I came back feeling like I could take it on and actually possibly enjoy the task at hand. I am looking for photographers right now and with a limited selection I am feeling like I am giving in to something simply because it is all there is. But then on the run I paused and thought-it is the people who make the pictures, not the photographer. If the people are fun and happy the pictures will exude the same. I am dwelling on the details instead of the big picture-please tell me you can relate. But as of late it seems you are reaching deep into yourself and finding the big picture. I can learn a lot from you!

The time with my mother was nothing short of fantastic. One on one with mom is something every daughter craves and I got it. She walked with me, hiked with me and even rode a bike with me. We found a wedding dress together, just the two of us- the power of a mother and daughter is a force to be reckoned with. Go fill your lungs with fresh air as we did here in California!

I attached a video of a moment on the top of Mount Tam looking out to the Pacific. I am working on my video skills, but I think you get the essence of the calm we were experiencing!

I love you. Keep doing what you are doing because it seems to be working-you are going to beat this thing whole hog! 2010 watch out!


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