Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gobble, Gobble.

Good evening Danda,

I write this on one side of the world where the sun is rising realizing that the sun is already almost setting on your side of the world. It reminds me there is a cycle and a changing of things in this world. What goes up must come down. Where there is suffering there is joy. Where there is death there is birth (or in the case of Dad, twins on the day he died because it takes two to replace him). I try to remember that there are always positives and negatives and ups and downs and that is the cycle of life.

I am thankful today for being able to appreciate that life is ever changing and that by way of being put here on Earth we must embrace all that happens because that is living. We are blessed to be Danda, I am thankful for you and your ability to embrace life despite how unfair and difficult it can be. You are the embodiment of life. I am in awe daily of your resolve to not bow down and surrender to the unknown, but to hold your chin up and march forward each day giving no mind to the cancer you have killed along the way that day. I imagine you marching across England through this battlefield and some time in the near future hitting the coastline with nowhere else to go and arriving at the end of the fight victorious; looking out to a vast horizon of possibility. YOU are what I am thankful for today along with all the family and friends who support you becuase in my eyes WE are family and for that I feel a part of something special.

gobble, gobble,

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