Sunday, November 22, 2009

Rome awaits!!!

Dear Danda, it´s true you never cease to amaze!!! And 45 minutes running/power walking is no small is BIG, VERY BIG!!! Enhorabuena to you and your faithful running "companion"!! I follow Giovanna´s creative idea to change colours (and add colour!) in honour of your untiring, fighting and admirable spirit! Orange is the colour of joy and creativity, and promotes wellbeing and enthusiasm. Somewhere I read that it helps one "handle the ups and downs of life with finesse"...sounds very familiar:)

So...I was in Rome at my Nonna´s when I read about you having to skip your planned trip to "la città eterna" to see your own Nonna after so long. I was soooooo sad to hear that, and I would have done anything to have you be there instead of me!!! It was so disappointing and unfair...But, as dwelling on what could have been and isn´t takes us nowhere in life, I decided to think positive again. It´s the least I could do for a friend I pray for every night before I fall asleep, and whom I trust is heading towards her dreams no matter how much she is having to fight for them. So, as I walked through Rome´s pine-lined cobble streets I smiled and pictured you walking along those same streets, admiring the intensity of the city´s colours, smelling the mouth-watering scent of fresh-baked pizza, tasting the delicious froth of a true cappuccino. And then, I asked the gentle autumn breeze to send you a taste all the way to London as a sign that one day you would be doing exactly that!

I remember last year I couldn´t be with my father on his birthday as it coincided with the most intense days of the event I was organizing in Barcelona. It was an emotional day for I knew it was my father´s last "terrestrial birthday". Luckily, there was no time to dwell on the sadness of missing such an important occasion, and it was only later I got to understand that Life had a much more important gift to offer in return: I was able to spend my father´s last night with him, holding his hand and whispering in his ear. There are no words to describe the meaning of those last earthly moments with him. All I know is that it´s true that sometimes a door closes and then, unexpectedly, a beautiful window opens. Keep believing, Danda, fighting and believing as you have until now. There are those crazy moments in life when we wonder if we´ll ever make it out of the maze your Uncle Geoffrey so wisely spoke about, when we cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel or the sun behind the clouds. But in the end they are "just" clouds, it´s just a tunnel and it´s just a maze! Easier said than done, of course, but perspective is vital if we are to keep our direction and steer as well as you have until now. Yours are victories that go way beyond what appears on the scans, and I am sure that one day the scans will finally align with all the healing that you´ve managed to trigger in these long and difficult months filled with millions of "silver linings".

Un abbraccio fortissimo!!! Love, Sally

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