Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving to My Troops

Dear All,

A quick note to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving - if I could, I would call each and every one of you... as you can see, James has a knack with the phone! I am in hospital, having spent the night here due to my marathon chemo session yesterday, that finished at 9:30pm. I have one more drug treatment this morning and then hopefully I can head home this afternoon. I can't wait. I am feeling a bit "fuzzy" from chemo, a bit "off", but otherwise I am doing alright.... at least for now! I am hoping to squeeze in a good walk tomorrow before the downpours that are forecast for the weekend.

In the spirit of this day, I am thankful for my wonderful family, for my truly amazing troops, for my great team of doctors and nurses, for the powerful love and support that shower me, without fail, every single day. I am thankful for the pep talks and cheers, for the hugs and understanding, for the many messages, thoughts and good vibes. I am thankful for the laughs that pick me up, for the comfort when tears fall, and for the visualisations of a better tomorrow. I am thankful for hope, for determination, for belief, for dreams. I am thankful for James, for everything about him, and for the pure boundless joy that he fills my life with.
And I am thankful for my body, which has withstood 17 cycles of chemo, and is still marching strong, one foot ahead of the other. My body continues to show me that I can be unrelenting in this fight, that I will not give the cancer an inch, that however long this healing will take I can outpace, outlast and outwit the f%#~er.

Happy Thanksgiving and the most loving of hugs to all.

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