Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Deny the F*&#@R!

Pesky, faint, possibly necrotic, squint-worthy liver spots are no match for you, Alex. Come on, let’s be realistic-they don’t have a chance. They’re goin’ down! I’m so sorry about what you are going to have to go through to get rid of them, but you’re definitely going to show them that you’re not messing around. And man, are you going to have years and years and years of good karma coming your way when this bull&*#^ is over.

I was watching a slide show of cancer survivors and one guy said that he was able to stay positive by denying the cancer. I thought you could use a little of this from time to time, so when you start feeling down, maybe it would help if you started practicing the art of denial. For example: “Cancer? What cancer?” “Hair loss? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Maybe you should get your eyes checked.” “Tired? I’m not tired. I’m just lazy. I want to sit here all day and have people do things for me and watch television or listen to music. I’ll even lay down and close my eyes if I feel like it, damnit!” “Nausea and vomiting? No, I just didn’t like the dinner you made. You need cooking classes!” These should get you started.

Sweetie, you’re getting there. You have made so much progress. I hope with all my might that you are spared the side effects you so dread. I love you and I’m with you. xoxo

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