Sunday, November 8, 2009

have faith


It has been a long time since since I have written on the blog. This evening, alone while Jeff is in Chicago for business, I have mustered up the courage to write your something. I realize now what energy it takes to divulge your thoughts and hopes for all to read. Even to be able to verbalize all that is in your head and heart is no small feat. You are a truly amazing woman.

I heard the news of your scans from my mother and have now read your words. The news is a setback and disappointing, but nonetheless it is a speed bump that you must drive over. You will drive over it and keep driving until you hit the open road again where once again the wind will blow your hair.

I wish I had wise words to pass along to you, but I find it hard to articulate them. I am without words so often, but I am full of heart and hope. I share your disappointment. I share your anger at the situation. I empathize with the poor timing of it all. But I BELIEVE. I believe you will prevail; not the cancer.

Belief is a very strong emotion. I will share with you a short, but funny story. I took the bus to work last week when it was raining. An Italian tourist (from Sicily! of course) boarded the bus and said in few words, " I want to walk on the Golden Gate Bridge." After much back and forth over the logistics of it all he boarded the bus and we all reassured him we would take him to the bridge. So up the road we go in the rain while the visitor looks on trying to track where he is being taken. At the top of the road where the bus stop was the bus stopped to let the Italian off. The road was empty and the bridge was hidden behind a hill that stood between us and its red towers. The visitor looked at us and said, "Where? where is the bridge?" We tried explain in bits of Italian and Spanish (I know you can imagine what that must have sounded like!) that the bridge was just on the other side of the hill. He would just have to walk up the road a bit and it would be in front of him. He looked at us and questioned, "This road? There is no sidewalk." We agreed it was a leap of faith to believe that this road would lead to a man made wonder of the world!

The visitor cautiously stepped off the bus and looked at us one more as if to say, "are you sure?" and we all assured him, have faith it is there, around the corner, believe us. To that he thanked us, tipped his cap and we all wished him good luck and goodbye.

You are a lot like that Italian. It is unknown what waits on the other side and when you will see it, but with trust in your doctor, the treatments and all your friends and family you are venturing there into the unknown because you have said your mind to reaching your goal you have set. There is no doubt he made it to the bridge and was proud of the faith it took to get him there. You too should be proud of your faith that will get you to your goal. We are all behind you 100% telling you to go for it. We love you and are right here beside you every step of the way!

We love you! Dad is looking down on you and no doubt saying, " go for it girl, go for it!"

I love you mountains!


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