Sunday, November 1, 2009

Good Morning Alex

As I sip my coffee thousands of miles away from you, I, too, feel connected by reading your blog and hearing your thoughts and feelings...nah, not as good as having you here, but it will have to do for now. We miss you, too.

It has been a pretty fall around here, the leaves have fallen all over our yard, and Vic is out raking this morning. (you're my excuse not to help :). We had our annual Halloween dinner last night that has morphed into a party with my parents, his parents and family, and several brave friends. My parents dressed up as punk rockers...very comical :) I was Octo-mom with multiple baby dolls hanging on me, and Vic was a cowboy attached to a big blow up bull that prevented him from sitting too much last night :) But, it was nice.

Despite this crazily busy time in our lives, it is important to make time for family and friends and to share in laughter if only at ourselves...and we were pretty funny looking!!

Anyway, I'm so glad you got to see Joanne and that soon she will be living much closer to you. I wish I could visit as well.

Take care of yourself as it sounds like you are doing. I'm happy to hear less frustration poked at yourself and more self love and compassionate care. You deserve that - and patience and love will see you through this marathon.

Much love across the miles,

ps- happy late birthday to Julian!

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