Monday, November 2, 2009

tea time

Hi, Alex -
I love the image of blog time as tea time with you. I remember how hot you like your tea...I always think of that when I make tea (although I admit I have become a coffee lover, too). :-) I'm struck in your last post by how many times yourefer, often parenthetically but there none the less, to your many weaknesses. I'm so curious what that is about. Is part of this struggle for balance about accepting your own limitations, your own needs, your own human parts? Knowing them and naming them and accepting them is all good...but it feels like you are talking about these things as weaknesses, kinks in the armor, imperfections. Maybe I'm way over-analyzing or projecting, and at the very least i'm probably offering unsolicited therapy. But I can't help it. Having limitations and needs, and being in touch with your own humanity, is not a weakness. It's a strength. It feels like you are in a bit of limbo -- while honoring and working to accept your humanity, I still hear you ultimately judging yourself for it. No? Maybe i'm way off base (Iknow a client who would say it's an affliction of mine today...). And I hope it's not too personal a comment for the public blog. I feel like the blog has become a pretty intimate place. Healing for all of us as we all learn from you and journey with you deep into our own humanity, as well.

Lots and lots of love - Lindsay

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