Sunday, November 1, 2009


Happy November Alessandra! I love reading your messages and feeling as if we were in the same room, sipping tea and chatting, instead of an Atlantic away. Today it finally stopped raining and I took my mother out for a walk in a soggy, leaf strewn park to lift her spirits a little. Moving home at any age is hard, and she is finding this 'new life style' a challenge, although she has only been here a fortnight. As you can imagine, it is also a new life style for me, and the experience is sometimes frustrating but always enriching. Last night we stood at the front door and handed out candy to Spiderman, Tigger, SaintGirl, Red Devil, and hordes of skeletons and witches. In the distance, I could still see myself as Sylvester the Cat, trick or treating over 50 years ago. I wonder what James's first Halloween persona will be, and whether his proud mum and dad will be growing monster pumpkins and holding neighbourhood carving parties as we did. For me, autumn has always been a time for slowing down and reflection, and never more so than now. I love watching the trees fall asleep, the scent of pine and leaf mould, and the sharp beat of wings overhead as a V of geese heads to their winter playground. So, enough reflections for tonight my dear, sleep well, and continue on your voyage gaining in health, wisdom, and happiness. Te quiero mucho.

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