Thursday, September 10, 2009

Ah, yes, *BELIEVE*


It is a powerful thing to *believe*! It takes guts and determination because when you believe anything is possible! I hope you caught some of the tournament, but given your travels and your treatment perhaps it took a back seat. However, Chrissy was right on when she said this young girl captured the hearts of America with her resolve after each point to tell herself out loud with a fighting spirit, "C'MON"! She showed disappointment in her face at times, but never did she throw the racket like some of her opponents, she just dug a little deeper and won the next point.

I am in awe of the composure of this girl as the world looked on much in the same way I am in awe of your composure given your current situation. It is so unfair and painful and disappointing when you are so close to the end of another cycle and it feels as if you are back at the beginning. But you take all of that and put it aside and applaud the new beginnings of your son, James, who above all fears closes his eyes and takes the leap of faith that the next steps will be easier because he is taking baby step at a time!

BELIEVE-we do!



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