Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Friends are like a warm, worn blanket.

Dear Alessandra,
I'll start with a big hug to you, even if it has to be a virtual one. Your last few posts have been so brave and uplifting, and while I know this is still a struggle and the chemo side effects are painful, you will come through stronger than ever. As you know, we are in the middle of the 'health for all' discussion in the US, and while I have faith in Obama's integrity re. fulfilling his campaign promises, the lack of vision of the public in general is infuriating. I say this having lived in countries with national health systems, and having been treated for big and small problems both in Europe and the US. I cannot believe how easily people here are manipulated and frightened by politicians and lobbiests defending a private, exclusive, extremely expensive and sometimes deficient health service. My outrage reached a peak this afternoon listening to a report on how this system fails for cancer patients, specifically younger ones in their 20s and 30s, who are often underinsured. I thought of you and the care you are getting, and of many other friends and family with chronic illnesses, and all this just reaffirmed my belief that access to health is a basic human right.
Having ranted on there - as you may note some things don't change - I gave and received lots of hugs this morning as we gathered for the first day of school. Even some of the pricklier little boys seemed 'cool' with an effusive embrace, and of course we've all forgotten the dodgy moments from last year's classes! I'll be going away for the weekend with the seniors on retreat, and we had a meeting for chaperones today after school. It really made me laugh (inside) when some teachers voiced concerns about night-time escapades and how to prevent them. Visions of all the Runnymede field trips sprang to mind, and how little sleep we all got those days, but how many good memories.
A couple of university-era friends came for a visit this summer, and it was such a luxury to just BE with people I've known for over 30 years, people who know me so well, people with whom I can completely relax and who I fully trust. After a fairly stressful summer, it was cathartic to spend a couple of weeks with them in the Adirondacks and in Philly. Just like a familiar blanketing hug, the same one that I wrap you in from here every day. Much love!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Nora -

    For some inexplicable reason, I cannot find your e-mail address on my computer anywhere! Please send it to me. Thanks. Vicki
