Thursday, September 10, 2009

Many years ahead!

Dear Danda, I was traveling back from Italy on Monday and thinking of your own trip to the hospital and new round of chemo.  It hurts to know you´re hurting, and as one of your friends said..."no fair, no fair!"  But then, we always have to look forward don´t we?  Avanti, sempre in avanti!  And you´re wonderful at finding the right balance between living "carpe diem" and looking hopefully and trustingly towards the future.  

The other day we had lunch at the Alessie´s (in honor of Lorenza´s first pregnancy!) and Susana Briano told me a story that I knew I had to share with you (hope she doesn´t mind:)).  Some time ago, Susana bumped into a friend of a friend who had heard about your situation and she immediately asked how you were doing.  Then she went on to tell Susana the beautiful and uplifting case of a girl (ok woman, but I still see ourselves as girls!) who had had exactly what you had, with the only difference that she had just had her second or third child instead of the first.  At the time, she was your same age and had to go through all the arduous treatments you´re going through.  It´s now 13 to 17 years later (Susana couldn´t remember exactly) and she has seen her children grow up day by day!  They are now almost grown up and she´s still around!!!  Anyhow, just wanted to share this true story with you.  Hang in there, beautiful Danda!  You will be all the more beautiful (is that possible? :) ) after beating this crazy f*"¨! you call it!

Bacioni, Sally 

PS. The photos are from my dream days in Mallorca onboard the catamaran, "Largyalo"!  May you see in them the beautiful future that awaits you, beautiful James, and all your wonderful family!

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