Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bugs, Back-to-Work, and Boys will be Boys!

Dear All,

Have just come back from the hospital, having had to go in unexpectedly due to feeling awful becaus
e of a potential "stomach bug". I will save you any further details, other than to say that I was poked for the thousandth time for bloodwork, and after tests and checks was thankfully sent home with some medication. I dreaded being told that I would have to stay in hospital, given that my counts are down, I am on the immune boosting shots, and so any potential infection is dangerous. And Cycle #6 is this coming Monday. I am feeling pretty weak and shaky and nauseous, but this too shall pass. In the grand scheme of things, things like this feel like a drop in the ocean - fighting cancer truly puts everything else into perspective!

I hope everyone is well as the new school year kicks off. I think that I will forever view the years in academic terms not calendar ones! This week I "announced" that I am returning to work on a part-time basis and have spent time reconnecting with colleagues. They have all been so wonderfully supportive in hearing news of my return, and have sent me the sweetest of messages. Comments included,

"Your courage is wonderful. I am so grateful that you are back in action"

" I am so happy to hear from you!!!! I am very glad you are still putting up a good fight!"

"What a joy to hear from you and hear that you are back in business!!!"

"What a blessing to have you back."

"What wonderful news to hear of your progress and your return to work. I am delighted....."

It makes going back to work all that more precious, don't you think? I feel so lucky to have found and developed relationships with so many great professionals. To think that two years ago, I knew no-one here and had to build my practice all from scratch. This journey of mine continues to show me so much love and to prove that if you want something badly enough and give it your all, it can be in your reach.

Shifting from the topic of work to the topic of play, I spent the weekend down in Sevenoaks with Julian's family. Great to see everyone, as always. James in particular had a blast, and loved every minute outdoors. As the pictures show (the group photo is with Julian's brother Charles), boys will be boys!

Hugs to all.

1 comment:

  1. O-ho! Look who's back in the psychology saddle! Congrats!
