Saturday, September 19, 2009

Recruiting My Troops.

Dear All,

I will write more later, but just wanted to ask you this morning to direct the many powerful positive vibes that you all send me every day, to someone else who really needs them right now. My dearest Uncle Peter is in hospital and not well. For those who don't know him, he is the father of Alexis (who founded this blog),Christopher and Ellen, and the husband of my Aunt Lisa, who is a frequent and wonderful writer on this blog. For those of you who do know him, I need not try to put into words what a wonderful man he is. Uncle Peter is such a special person in my life, and I would do anything to be able to be by his side right now. But as life has it, I can't be there, so instead I am sitting here sending him so much love from afar, the closest of hugs, and the warmest of vibes. You all, as my troops, have shown me how healing love is and how comforting connection can be, and you continue to carry me forward and protect me with such strength and sense of purpose. So, this morning, I ask you humbly to include my Uncle Peter, my cousins, and my Aunt Lisa in your thoughts of love, comfort and strength, for this is a wonderful man and a wonderful family, who I know will feel those vibes and appreciate them with all their heart.

Hugs to all.


  1. My Dear Alessandra,
    This morning the weather is grey and damp here in my little village nestled in the hills of Torino.... It's a good time to meditate.... Your messages always fill me with gratitude for all the small pleasures of life and they make me wonder where you find your amazing strength in this difficult battle that you are winning little by little .... I hope to chat to your mamma the next time I come to London OR in Madrid when I go to visit my son...You are often in my thoughts and I loved the cute picture of James with nonno Marco in the park...
    Un'abbraccio affettuoso... Take care . Anne

  2. Just want you to know I'm sending all my love to your aunt, uncle, and cousins. I feel privileged to have connections to Alexis and Lisa. You have a wonderful family.

    Also, know that directing all my love that way takes none from you. I am finding that there is so much available these days. I have it pointed at you, at Olivia's classmate, and now at your family, and I never seem to run out. Just like having more than one kid - you think you couldn't possibly have room for more, but you do.

    Love you,
