Sunday, September 6, 2009

Thank goodness you are Alex

Dear Alex,

I am always amazed at your determination and optimism, but then as I think back and for as long as I’ve known you, I realize that I should not be surprised.  You have always been optimistic and determined.  And you have always had faith – you have always believed.  Okay, maybe you worry sometimes, but you are bullish about what you want and I can’t remember a time you haven’t gotten what you want (– within realistic measures.  We didn’t get people to dress semi-formal to our wine and cheese party, but whatever.)  All through our friendship, when I wanted to feel better, if I needed some cheering up, I knew that you would provide it.  I hope that I can repay you for those many years of support – but I am also happy you have you to cheer you up.  What if you were Woody Allen and you had to cheer yourself up?  Or Larry David?  Thank goodness you are Alex because Alex is the best.  She is compassionate, thoughtful, respectful, gentle, pretty much a genius, funny, sometimes her taste in music leaves a little to be desired, but you can’t have everything, she is beautiful (I have to say, not everyone can lose all of their hair and still be beautiful.  It’s kinda unfair.  And I have to agree with Chiara, that this short hair on you is sexy.)  She is also resilient and generous and deeply, profoundly strong – even when she is scared, she is strong because she goes on in the face of that fear.  And she is someone I want on my side always.  Hang in there, Alex.  You are beating this, time will tell. 

The picture above is of our friend’s baby.  You may find this hard to believe, but she urgently wanted to get her hands on Mitsu.  Mitsu on the other hand was pretending that nothing was happening.  I’m sure she was thinking, “If I pretend it’s not there, it will go away.”  Poor, long-suffering Mitsu.

I’m thinking of you and sending you good vibes, as always!



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