Tuesday, September 15, 2009

simple pleasures

I just love that picture of Marco and James, like two men going for a walk on a sunny afternoon. It is a nice moment captured on film.

Sounds like you have really playing the mom role lately to that little one. Poor James what could be worse than being sick and ear infection; I know firsthand how painful that can be. I am sure that all of your cuddles and love are keeping him calm and will make him better. You both are good for each other right now and that is so reassuring.
With the whole family there you must be having a nice time-love the idea of everyone playing hide and seek-yes, the simple pleasures are the best!
Head up, hope the buring on hands and feet have subsided. How is your case work going? Do you have more energy this time around. Thinking of you.

Attached is a picture I took on the ferry the other day. It is how I end lots of days on my ferry ride from San Fran to Sausalito. Beautiful skies in the city make way to thick fog on the Bay so much so that the ferry blows its horn to alert boats of our arrival. Then clear skies again when we arrive in Sausalito except for the fog that magically spills down the hillsides finding its way into every valley down to the water. It is really beautiful to see the heavens let down their hair like this! Again, the simple pleasures are the best.


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