Monday, September 28, 2009

Hooray Alex!

Great news, Alex!!! I'm so happy for you. I know that every time you go in, you wish they would just tell you it's all over and tomorrow everything will feel "normal" again. The uncertainty is so hard. When I was having some health issues, I felt that the worst part was not knowing when it would end. If someone could just give me a time frame, I could pace myself to the finish line, it would be a piece of cake, but the not knowing was unbearable. But then someone very close to me reminded me that to some degree, all of us must learn to live with uncertainty. And maybe anyone reading this will be like, "jeez Debbie Downer, thanks." But I found comfort in knowing that we're all in this together. That everyone suffers! No, no I'm totally kidding, I couldn't resist. Really, it just took some of the loneliness away and reinforced the idea of not taking any moment for granted. And I know I don't have to tell you this, that you know this, but I'm relating. I'm so happy that you're getting closer and closer to that day when this will all be behind you. I'm also happy that you're enjoying music class with James and weekends away with Julian. And I love that Julian is becoming a self-made doctor! I share in the sentiment that I hope you took a load off this weekend and relished this latest victory!

Lots of love,

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