Thursday, September 24, 2009

Birthday magic

Here is the littlest member of the family, Cecilia, with whom I shared my birthday yesterday. We did some roll-overs and had a few naps and walked in the park and looked at dogs and tried a bottle of Mommy's milk to no avail (this little lady knows the real thing and is not warming to plastic/rubber substitutes) but all in all we had a fabulous time! I'm thinking that at four and a half months, she and James might eventually take to one another, even though right now they are developmentally miles apart. Forget that an ocean divides them too. He is so divine that naturally I might wish for my granddaughter to have him for a friend. She has taken to music too (love that video!) and is soothed by "Frere Jacques" and "The Wheels on the Bus" ad nauseum. So as we strolled and sang, I was willing and wishing that my birthday would be your "clean-as-a whistle" scan day and you could sail out of your meeting with Plowman tomorrow less burdened and confident that the f***** is in full retreat if not totally banished from your body and your life. When we blew out the candles on our birthday cupcakes (Jim has a birthday the day before mine so we combine), you can imagine what my wish was. Nothing is more important this week than your results, Danda. You've done everything you could. Now let go and enjoy the intervening hours. I hope it was as beautiful a fall day there as it is here and tomorrow will be even better. Love to you and your wonderful family.

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