Friday, September 25, 2009

waiting for the good news!!!

Hello my friend!!
I'm waiting for the good news! It's now 11:30 our time and you should be leaving that hospital for good in another hour or so.
Hey great news about Julians brother. You forgot to tell me that Wednesday. Or was it after?
I spoke to Lisa yesturday they were about to go into a meeting with the doctors and hospice and try to get Peter home. Let me know what happens. I am sending my best to you all!!
So sending my love to you all as always today and I'm getting the dancing girls booked. Well for us it's dancing guys. I figure the men out there could use some fun as well.
Love the video of James. I still have to send the one of Stephen he did for you.
Yes as Ellen says when all else fails Dance!!!
I'm dancing for you today!!!
Love ya!!
Your person Eve

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