Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thank you

Hello, my dear. I've been rather lost in my own little world, in a way that literally feels small. Checking back in with you via the blog has been very grounding. My feelings were really hurt this weekend when a gaggle of my friends went away on a weekend getaway that we had thought we would be a part of, and turned out we weren't due to lack of space. Hmmm. THAT doesn't feel so good. While some sting is inevitable, it was frustratingly difficult to let it go, to move on, to live and let live, to stay grounded and mature and not feel very adolescent and dejected. I started to pull out of it today, and then reading your latest entry finished the trick. What a perspective giver you are. Your latest struggles sound horrendous as ever, and your resolution and grace and ability to return again and again to love and hope is astonishing and inspiring. The nerve pain, the chemo burns, on top of the nauseau, the fatigue....And I can only imagine the intensity of anticipating the scans, the combination of emotions so powerful it must feel your body can barely contain them. I wish I could hold them for you; I do hold them with you, but I wish I could do it for you. Thank you, Alex. Thank you for your strength, for holding me (all of us) close as you fight this fight, for allowing me to learn from your power and your vulnerability, and to feel my love for you grow and grow. Thank you for reminding me again and again to stay grounded, to stay focused on hope and love and honesty, on family and friends...on life. Here's to chocolate shoes, to baby feet, and to you. - Lindsay

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