Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day


Cycle 6 is probably taking place as we speak. Today in the US is Labor Day-the unofficial end to summer. The last day off until Thanksgiving. It is a bittersweet day as I am sure today is for you as well. The beginning of a new cycle, but the end of cycles before your next scan. It has been a volatile summer, but a great one because for as many set backs there have been you have overcome them to receive a glowing scan midway through and from an outsider's perspective you have grown as an individual. Look back and see how far you have progressed-you will be amazed.

It is Dad's birthday today so you can look at him as a man who too has overcome obstacles, but is another year wiser because of it.

I am still battling my cold and have a deeper appreciation for how much one desires to be healthy when one is not. But yesterday I took the bull by the horns and got on my cruiser bike " Free Spirit" and rode with Jeff through town to a hotel under the Golden Gate Bridge where we had lunch with friends. Just getting out and breathing fresh air helped brighten my day and I believe allowed me to heal a little more. As Ms. Lavish begged Ms. Bartlett in A Room With a View, " Breathe deep Charlotte. Deeper."

All my love; I am thinking of you in the coming days!

Tanti Baci!

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