Wednesday, August 5, 2009

B & B

To any of you who would like to visit Alessandra for a few days and live far afield, I now have my own flat across the street from her that has a minute guest room with a single fouton which I would be more than happy to have anyone use. Breakfast menu: orange juice, coffee or tea, yoghurt, toast (or a croissant from down the road if your waistline is not an issue) and jam. Kippers are out! Bacon a possibility.

From the 7th to the 16th of August is out as her father will be here, and three is a crowd. He'll be back in September but no dates are set yet. Book through Alessandra.

Greetings to all. The Stratford Road Inn (Proprietor: Vicki)


  1. Hi Vicki-
    Does this mean that she is now up for visitors? I know she was concerned about her immune system and visitors. What do you think?

  2. Hi Vicki -
    I imagine that very soon you will be hanging a NO VACANCY sign on your door. Is Alex up for visitors no matter where they stay?

  3. Dahling - I only come with my steamer trunks and cases of wine. Is there room? I ONLY use Thick cut, bitter Dundee Orange marmalade on my toast, not too toasty, please. FRESH orange juice a must. Do you include concierge service? I would like tickets to a few cultural events. Green tea at 4PM with Danda each day. No mugs. Bone china and silver are in order....and maybe a sugar free, lemon cookie or two and a biscotti for James. OK?
