Friday, August 7, 2009


Hi Panda,

I'd be more than happy to share with you some of the heat we get here. Although the drizzle is not really what you hope for in the summer, would you exchange that for the humidity and heat (no air conditioning...) that come with the beautiful summer sun?

I'm back, after a few very nice days in Amsterdam and a short stop in Heidelberg on the way back. The conference was nice, the talk perfectly timed (phew!) and much better attended than I thought it would be (it was in one of those sessions during lunch time...), so the professional part of the trip went well. The fun part was even better if you consider that I also saw a long time friend whom, in the last few years, I only managed to meet rarely (she's Armenian and lives in Bulgaria) and spent three great days in her company.

I was sorry to hear about your foot and the cumulative effect of round 4. I was however happy to hear that the good news is still resonating its positive note in your life and you find it easier to cope and fight with that weapon in your hand. I see how much fun James is. I can't believe he's almost one year old. I still remember last year when I read the email announcing his birth. I was in a hotel in some small town in the middle of nowhere in California after a long day in the heat of the Death Valley. Great days, great trip, great news at a perfect time.

I wish you to be able to take a long, relaxing, fun vacation very soon. You deserve it more than anyone.

A hug.

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