Friday, August 7, 2009


Camden, Maine is a pretty up-scale town. Old Philadelphia money mixes with some sea-faring types who take sea-sick tourists out in the fog for a look at puffins and seals. The cocktail circuit and bridge enthusiasts, dressed in their Lilly Pulitzers, sip Tom Collins - a drink long gone - popular circa 1940. Then there are the folk who live on the fringe of town, more rural like. Chipmunks, raccoons and deer abound. Loons make peculiar noises as they glide across the lake, and deep in the forest, in boggy spots where the grass is lush, the mighty Maine moose slurps his dinner surrounded by a haze of gnats and flies. Therefore, you can't blame one of these beasts who thought a condominium at Knox Mill might offer some shade and relief from the tortures of the little buggers. Entering through the back door of Sage Market, perhaps in search of some organic spinach or oak-leaf lettuce, our 500 lb. symbol of Maine's wilderness wandered down a carpeted hall past Condos 3,4 & 5 where he was spotted attempting to exit a french door to the deck overlooking the waterfall. Not wishing to make a scene, he took a left and ended up in one of the utility rooms. Alas no view of the river or the mill works. Enter the Maine Wildlife Service and the Camden Police Department who just happen to be based across the street. Various children appear, tickled pink to watch these pillars of rescue and control tranquilize the most-apologetic intruder. A front-end loader miraculously appears (don't you have one handy in your downtown?). The sleeping hulk is gingerly lifted onto the bed of a pick-up, the Rolls Royce of Maine transport. Like any good father, our wildlife expert (I know he is an expert because he has a badge) gently cradles his quarry so there is an open airway, tenderly shields his eyes lest he wake and think he is having a nightmare, and off they head some twenty miles outside of town to a Nature Preserve. The prince kisses Sleeping Beauty who wakes and drunkenly heads off in search of some nice, cold, clear water. Condo prices have instantly plummetted at Knox Mill and several have instatntly come on the market. The Florida types left that state because of alligators. They simply don't understand moose and black flies. Maybe they should head for Arizona leaving Maine to those who appreciate the simple joys of wildlife living free!

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