Monday, August 3, 2009

Love, inspiration and cycles...

You thank us, Danda, for our posts, for our words of encouragement but they are just an extension of you. You have inspired us all, swept us off our feet into a world of crude but also magnificent realities, and breathtaking achievements. All the love and support you receive is born within you, in that wonderful "gentle fighting spirit" of yours. Nature is based on cycles just as is love. You give and it comes back to you in a myriad of ways. Just as Armstrong inspires you, so do you inspire so many more people than you can imagine!! Although I will be seeing you tomorrow (and again I am honoured!), I have just finished catching up properly on the blog after many travels and feel so touched I had to share a few words. The vast power of love and spirit seems so tangible after reading the blog entries...just as it did when I sat in blissful solitude overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, perched high on a hill and vowing to share the pictures of such beauty with you. Hope they have helped you enter that welcoming haven of peace and rest you so deserve after the endless battles...remember even the strongest of fighters takes a break to regather energies and recenter before taking off again!:)

A domani!!!

Love, Sally

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