Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday check in

Dear Alex,

I wanted to write before my life becomes even crazier and I stop checking email and blogs entirely....Vic and I are getting married in less than two weeks, and I've been busy planning time off for our honeymoon and coordinating our small job. This unpaid position of mine seems to require daily emails, phone calls, scrupulous notes, weighty financial issues, and pressure to work out (which I do not have any time for..). So, sorry Alexis - I'm sure you'll have more fun with your unpaid job :)...but, I'm really wishing I just flew somewhere special and did the deed!!

Anyway, I will send you some pics. when it is all over with. Again, I really wish you could be there. After the wedding, we're heading to the Galopogas Islands (with no cell phone :), and enjoying some time on the water. I don't think we're doing any water activities that will scare the heck out of me this time :). Nah, in truth, we're fine and very excited.

I was sorry to read about your are such an active person that it must have been driving you nuts. I hope that you will heal quickly and be on your feet again soon. James is a darling and it must be hard not to be able to run around with him...but, all in good time. You will be out there chasing him as he chases the girls yet. We'll, you'll be out there chasing him long before that , especially if he maintains his disinterest...:)

Vic and I went to Whole Foods last night and I'm inspired to create your yummy dish...Anyway, keep up with the great work to be healthy, you are getting there and you will prevail. In the meantime, we are with you even if we're busy coordinating a wedding. Much love to you,


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