Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Dear All,

I have much to share about the past few days, and want to do so when I am not rushed. I have focused on making the most of my periods of feeling "well" and maximising the days when my blood count is high enough to give me the freedom to go beyond the bounds of home and hospital. And so, tomorrow Julian and I are heading to a lovely bed & breakfast inn in the countryside for a couple of nights, returning on Friday. It is a celebration of having survived quite a year since James was born, and of having found, amidst the crises of infant reflux and breast cancer, a thousand things to be thankful for.

And at the top of the list is love. Love of family and of friends, and the love of James. He truly is a bundle of love. My baby is now a one year old boy - the sweetest, gentlest, and happiest of beings. He fills me with such tremendous pride and such indescribable joy. I am so blessed to be his mother! How did I get so lucky? I share with you a photo taken this weekend of my Diddums (as I affectionately call him), age one, and the love of my life.
I promise to write at length later in the week, with stories and birthday photos and updates. In the meantime, much love to you all and, as always, the biggest of hugs.


  1. And I thought my children were the prettiest and handsomest on earth. I must be delusional! If James isn't the quintessential "Gerber" baby, I do not know who is. I am sure Gerber products have crossed the pond, so you are familiar with the label.

  2. Hi Alessandra,
    James is really such a gorgeous little boy; those beautiful eyes and long eyelashes are incredible ... Brava ! You must be such a proud mamma....
    It was wonderful to chat to your mother while I was in London . We seemed to pick up where we left off 30 years ago !!
    Glad to read your recent blogs and God bless from the Cala d'Aiguafreda....
