Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Climb every mountain

Danda, just back from the West and catching up on your news. First of all, belated happy birthday to one-year-old James!!! Isn't it wonderful that you could all celebrate the milestone together and then you and Julian could have some special time to yourselves. I wish the pain and anxiety of the mole hadn't been there and hope that is now history. There should be a minimum of hurdles for you to have to handle other than allowing the healing to continue as you nourish your body and mind. Speaking of which, I fould a quote from John Muir that seems restorative. It certainly was a subliminal theme for our three days in the Grand Tetons after spending a week in Seattle helping Sam and his family move to a new house. After seven days of packing and unpacking and yard work and cleaning, it was heavenly to drive across Washington, the top of Idaho and Montana, and arrive at Jackson, Wyoming via Yellowstone. Muir wrote:
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own freshness into you
While cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
We had delicious viewing from the top of the ski mountain where hang gliders and paragliders were launching to sail on the thermals; hiked around one of the prettier lakes under the Teton range, singing to keep the bears at bay; rafted down the Snake River with a raftsman and five others through some exciting white water; cringed at the riders being bucked off of bulls and broncos (those guys are truly crazy!) at the local rodeo; and reveled in the sightings of geysers, bison, elk, moose, and pronghorn deer. Something about the way wind affects the leaves of the aspens can be magical, especially if there are mighty mountains still sporting some ice way up in the hollows overhead. I trust that one day you and Julian and James can visit this area and be recipients of those good tidings too.
So as August dwindles away, we are back to CT realities but mindful of how Nature-in whatever part of the globe-can replenish us in so many unspoken ways. I hope you are feeling replenished today and am sending you a care package of all the good vibes I've stored up while being away. Hugs.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Cuz -

    My dream would be to follow in your footsteps and see that part of the world, rafting and all. I shall put it on my bucket list.

