Tuesday, August 25, 2009

keep your sunny side up!

Dearest cuz!

I am writing from bed-decided to turn in a bit early tonight so I am taking the downtime to write you a note. I miss you! I have been thinking about you a lot lately. With wedding planning on the brain I feel I kept all caught up in the chaos of it all, but think to you to ground me again and remind me of what is really important! The fact that on one day in my life I get to have all my best friends and family together celebrating a union. I know how important both have been to you lately so I focus on that as my prize.

I have finally set a date May 14th, 2010 at Caneel Bay, St. John. I have ordered the save the date cards so there is no turning back now! I am excited to bring everyone "home" for my day in the sun!

In other news, Jeff and I had a bit of a scare Saturday morning. We awoke at our usual time and with gray skies outside decided to plunk down on the couches in the living room. We had been sitting no more than 30 seconds when Jeff told me to look outside at our outdoor umbrella that seemed to be levitating out of the hole in the table. We had left it up over night which we never do and this time it was a big mistake. After three levitations it looked like it was going to take flight and it did. Within seconds it had done an about face and came careening through our sliding glass door. It happened so quickly I did not have time to cover my face or look I away, i just stared in wonderment as the glass exploded all over the room and into my lap. I looked back at Jeff and the first thing he asked was if I was alright. I new he was a good egg!

Well, we spent the entire day after that cleaning up the glass. We had to rent an industrial vacuum to get the job done and even then we continue to find glass in shoes, in my ear if you can believe it!, and all over the drive way is the pieces slip through the wood decking. It was quite a sight, but a good learning experience for Jeff and I to tackle together! A new door will be coming tomorrow so we can see our view again!

As for you, I hope you are well and that the beach gave you a break from routine. Whether it made you miss routine or not is another question, but in any case it was a break. Sea air can be a good thing for cleansing the mind and body. I picked up a self-healing book the other day while I was in the bookstore waiting for the ferry. The chapter I read an excerpt on was about using one's mind to cure one's body. It remarked that one should never doubt the strength of one's mind to cure. It went on and on with examples and I thought to myself that is was a a sign that I read that little excerpt because that is exactly what you are doing. You are curing your self with you mind AS WELL AS your body which is exactly why you are going to get healthy again my dear. Go ahead get well it is within your reach! I love you very much. Big Hug!


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