Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'm not on the move, but James is!

Dear All,

Green tea in hand, and yet another day begins...

I have been hobbling around on crutches since the weekend - the surgery on my foot left it very sore, and given that my platelets are very low, the wound is healing very slowly. I need to be so careful not to have it become infected given my poor immune system, or else I'll be admitted back to hospital and immediately put on IV antibiotics, for it is apparently very dangerous for me to get any infection whatsoever. I attempted to walk to the park on Sunday, urged by Chiara to try to keep that circulation moving, and prompted by James to join him in the outdoors. I made it five blocks to the park entrance, and sat on a bench as Chiara and my mother continued the stroll with James. I sat there reading a book for a little while, but was admittedly frustrated that I couldn't walk around... I hate being told, "You can't..." So, I have been forced to stay off the foot, although I stubbornly hobble around the house nonetheless, wanting to "do", until my family tells me in exasperation, with no discussion, "Would you please just sit down!?!"

Spent Monday at the hospital for what should have been my mid-cycle IV chemo, but my blood work came back extremely low (my immune system is struggling), so Dr. Plowman decided to skip the mid-cycle chemo this round, and to start me on my immune boosting shots earlier than planned later this week. My counts are close to zero, so I am basically quarantined to the house until next week. So frustrating, but as I have always said, I will do whatever it takes to get better. Despite the foot pain and the usual side effects of burnt hands/feet and fatigue, I feel that things are improving with every day. I believe that I have kept the momentum of recovery going. And so, I take my medications, see my doctors, do my juicing, religiously follow my diet, hold onto determination, and yet another week unfolds. Cycle #5 is still on track to start August 17th.

While I have been somewhat immobile, James has been a bundle of activity. He is a hoot. Everything is "duck" ("No, sweetie pie, that's a dog"...[James grins] "Da, da, da, DUCK!"....), and he is the Energiser bunny on the move! Speaking of being on the move, and while his birthday is not until the 16th, both sets of grandparents have already spoiled him with gifts: voila' the Murdoch tricyle, and voici the Priorelli playpen. And, to fuel that energy, James has handsdown declared that he simply LOVES spinach.... as the "yumming" in the video shows (I ended up having to shovel it in or he would have a fit)...! Popeye beware! Julian came home from Sevenoaks with bags of fresh organic vegetables which he has grown himself, so the little munchkin is fueling up on pure goodness.

On that note, I hope you all are enjoying the summer days, and are out and about. If any of you have some sunshine to spare, could you send it to London? There comes a point when it becomes hard to embrace yet another day of drizzle...!

Hugs to all, as always.

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