Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Well, here she is - ALESSANDRA - at anchor over a reef somewhere. Apparently, there is a big dock party tonight at the Yacht Club, complete with slide show that Kelly O'Brien put together from over 500 pictures taken on the trip. Jessica sounded glazed over on the phone, as she and Kelly had worked on it all yesterday. This shot was taken with an i-phone. Kelly has put the pix on a disc so I will burn a copy and send it across the big pond when it reaches me in Lincolnville. I love the extended transom. Note that while the boat is 55 feet long, it is only 38 feet at the waterline. The less bottom to clean, my dear! I was also happy to see it had a nice awning for shade and a relately easy ladder for the old folk to exit the sea. All in all, she is a classy lady like her namesake!

1 comment:

  1. Now that is one beautiful boat. I can't wait to step aboard and set sail!

