Monday, August 10, 2009

Que Bella!

I'ld like to introduce everyone to my beautiful dog, Bella. I look at her every day and realize that we all could learn a lot from dogs. She shows her love without holding back, she snuggles with me when I am sad, she cries without reservation when she needs to, and she wags her whole body with joy when she is excited. I love how she greets every day with bounding energy as I open the back door every morning. She bounds from one side of the yard to the other, digging holes and sniffing out what is new in the yard today. I love this photo. It was taken by my sister-in law as Bella relaxed one afternoon in the warm Florida sunshine. Tonight, I sit here with Bella snuggled by my side and I think of how lucky I am to have a friend like her to come home to every day and wanted to share this thought with my blog friends. May we all live our lives more like she does. So, I share my Bella with all of you and hope she brings a smile to your face and a little Florida sunshine to your day.

- Mary


  1. She is really beautiful! What a shiny fur! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Bella, the beautiful! Alessandra's cousin, Ellen, has a yellow lab named Bella. She is a bundle of furry love. Very much Miss Mellow. Dogs are wonderful! Better than most people.
