Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Checking in

Hello, Alex -
I have been far from my computer, but never far from you. I am in Maine, and have been since last Friday. Chris just joined us today, so I've been in single parent mode. It's a bit of a family reunion around here -- head count of 20 tonight. Chaos. Mostly fun, sometimes not so much, but that is to be expected on a big ol' family vacation. But mostly it's been a stringing together of lots of wonderful little moments -- canoeing and kayaking with the girls, watching them learn to swim in the lake, lounging with them in the hot tub, having meals prepared my somebody else, connecting with siblings and cousins who I see only once every year or two. And most excitingly (is that a word?), my sister's boyfriend, who we all adore, proposed to her in a very sweet and romantic way the other night. I don't know how well you remember the lake house and you remember the little island in the cove? Well, he set up little tea lights on the island and took her over there by canoe as the sun was setting, got down on one knee, told her she is the best thing that has ever happened to him and he can't imagine life without her, and would she marry him. Can't beat that!! It's been super fun to be able to share in their engagement high, and I'm so grateful to Adam for sharing the experience with us all by doing it here.
So, I keep thinking about the post you wrote about body odor, and how you stopped creating odor when you stopped eating toxins. Here's the disconcerting thing...I've not been wearing deodorant since I've been here, and I STINK!! And I stink fast. Like, as soon as I am dry after a swim -- stinky. What can that possibly mean about the toxic yuck I am letting myself consume?!?! Time to take control, inspired by you. I'm also very excited to here about Vicki's new flat. My heart started to race as I read tht post, and allowed myself to imagine coming to visit. HOw does that work with your low immunity and need for quarantine? Hmmmmm... Off to bed. More chaos tomorrow. I think of you all the time. Sending all my love - Lindsay

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