Sunday, August 23, 2009


Well, now I'm mostly just playing with the wonder that is modern technology. After uploading the family photo in the post below, I decided to upload another one, partly for my own fun, and partly, Alex, b/c I thought it might be fun for you to get to eyeball my current girlfriends (for those choosing to read this who don't know me, I'm in the middle bending down a bit, in the black parka). A wonderful group of women, and not a single replacement for you amongst them, Alex. These are all local ladies, and there are some funny the woman I have my arm around went to Colby with me, three years ahead of me. Her very serious boyfriend at the time propositioned me while we were all still in school. She does NOT know that, and remembers him very lovingly. The woman behind me in purple went to school with my husband from 7th grade through high school, and he had a huge crush on her (incidentally, this photo was taken outside a restaurant where we were celebrating her 40th b-day). And the woman on the far right in the blue parka is married to this man named Mike who I have wicked crush on. Who needs People Magazine when you have ME?!?! And less gossipy but a nice detail -- the woman on the far left in the longer parka is the director of my daughter's pre-school. Nice to have a friend play such an important role in my kids' lives. One of the beauties of small town livin'. So, hope you enjoy the distraction and diversion. On a more serious note...I love these women, and they are my local lifeline; you clearly have a strong lifeline of women behind and beside you, too, and I hope you feel their love and power everyday. But for all of their wonderfulness, these women also make me miss you. For better or worse, soul mate friends like you are very hard to come by.
- Lindsay

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