Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday to James!!!!

I just love the photo of James!! He is the Gerber baby! And he loves the spinach! Julian well done on the veggies. We need you here! Mark and I have basil and rosemary.
So glad to hear you and Julian are getting away for a bit. Well deserved and desperately needed!It's wonderful to hear you are working a bit as well.
Things here are the same. We went to Niagara Falls with the kids which was pretty neat, (I'll send pictures later) We had a fantastic view from from our room, so we could sit back watch the falls and have a beer. Passed by Cooperstown on the way home and thought of you spending your summer's there. We also stopped in Clinton for the night with Stephen's Dad.
For the week-end we spent time in Wellfleet with my family, Flip and gang and my sister and her kids. The ocean was amazing! Great day!!!, spent a lot of time in the water with Devon boogie boarding. He can now get up on his knees, if I steady the board, get him to stand, then guide him in the wave he was standing up for a few seconds. Flip was video tapping, turned away just as he made it up and stayed on. We had a great dinner as always at Mac's and then Sunday was spent in Yarmouth with Stephen's sister and brother in law Jake (who's birthday was Sunday as well as little Stevie and James of course) I wanted to stay in Wellfleet as you can imagine, Flip was taking everyone to Billingsgate. I couldn't go with out you guys.
Now it's back to reality, kids are back from camp and I start full time Monday. I have a listing in Wellesley and three clients looking for houses, cross your fingers they all buy and the house gets sold. (Mellon's house in Wellesley)So my dear I hope you enjoyed your time away and come back refreshed and ready to take this year on with a vengeance. I'm proud of you, miss you, worry about you, love you!!!
Your person,


  1. Eve - Remember the old Realtor mantra - " I WILL SELL THIS HOUSE"!

  2. Thanks for the encouragment. I sure will sell the house! Just need the seller to be realistic. hope your doing well and having a great summer.
