Monday, August 17, 2009


Here is ALESSANDRA under sail with her tender, the low black boat, in tow. Your namesake is currently on a mooring in Hurricane Hole, St. John, a series of watery fingers that run into the mangrove swamps. It is pretty much the best of the hurricane holes in the USVI and BVI. All this angst and energy has been caused by a series of storms that have formed in the Atlantic basin and who march, like penguins, across the southern sea. First Ana, who is now a tropical depression, bringing much needed rain to the panhandle of Florida. Next comes Bill. I don't trust Bill. Neither does Hillary! Bill is ripping along and is due to pass about 300 miles north of St. Thomas. He was due to graze us. With winds predicted to be at 120mph sustained, I am glad he has decided to stray. Bermuda may be in line for a thrashing. It is mid August and the season lasts until November. I am sure there will be a few more blows that will have us on pins and needles. But for now we are riding the lucky curve.

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