Monday, August 31, 2009


Hi Danda,

I´ve finally got Internet connection (terribly slow though...nerve-rackingly slow! Aren´t we spoiled nowadays? je je! :) ) here at my grandmother´s house "nella campagna italiana".  I´ve been trying to upload the photos that go with this entry (the sea, the sailing boat...) but after some hours have realized it´s not working!  So here is what I wanted to share since I wrote it on August 15th. The photos will come later...mostly so your Mum can get reeeeally jealous! :) 

DREAMS DO COME TRUE! Often differently to how we envisioned them, at a different time than what we dreamed of…but they come along!  So there I was, two years after I had embarked on the Sailing to Barcelona voyage…and I was onboard the magical Largyalo, one of the highlight Sailing to Barcelona boats, an ecological catamaran 19 meters long and 10 m wide built piece by piece by its passionate owner, Bertie, and filled with the caring and knowing hand of his wonderful wife, Petra.  One of its kind with its yellow and red-striped keels, its spacious cabins, its imposing bright red main sail, its solar panels and electrical engine powered the batteries which store the sun´s energy.   

There I was living a dream, waking up in isolated coves along Mallorca´s coast, saluting the world first thing in the morning with a dive in crystal-clear waters, hiking up a cliff to marvel at the spectacular views of a horizon where the sea meets the sky undisturbed, breathing in that cleansing and revitalizing air soaked with iodine and all the generous gifts of nature, screaming with joy at the sight of dolphins gleefully playing with our boat, drinking every drop of Petra and Bertie´s company and the rest of the crew´s simplicity, indulging in unforgettable moments with my beautiful David who was discovering a world unknown to him and did so with a permanent smile born from his clear blue eyes.  

“Victory to the Gods” says Largyalo´s name in Tibetan.  And I say…Victory to Life for all the immense , breathtaking beauty it can give us when we return to nature, to simplicity, to ourselves stripped bare…!

I´m so glad you were also able to be with nature, to soak in all its bounty, and let its healing energy wash through you.  You may have had moments where your pains and fears returned, but I´m sure nature melted them away with her gentle power and infinite generosity.

So much love to you, querida, and wishing you so many more joyous smiles from that beautiful son that blesses your days!

Bacione, Sally

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