Friday, August 14, 2009

back to reality


I am back! I was on hiatus of sorts. Three weeks after the engagement on Nantucket we returned for a week's vacation and to celebrate Jeff's birthday and his parent's anniversary. new England's weather has been mixed this summer as you have heard, but just the warmth no matter rain or shine was good enough for me. Jeff and I had a relaxing time and then celebrated with friends towards the end of the week.

But you my dear, you have been busy. Getting knocked down and getting back up again- Chumbawamba eat your heart out! I am glad to hear the mole was benign, but by your description the removal was anything but glad tidings. You are so brave, pain sometimes is not mind over matter-it just plain hurts.

I know with each day that you are forced to remain still or not have full mobility it eats you up inside so I sympathize with that. But my dear, one day, you will be up and running again at full tilt! James in the meantime will see to it that you live vicariously through him! What a force of nature he has become-a little man! Must be Dad's organic produce-lucky duck! I think you might have a big opportunity on your hands. You can call it the Seven Acres Stimulus Plan. Julian grows the veggies, Anthony prepares the food and consults with patients who are serious about getting healthy and Chiara does the PR! I would gladly endorse this campaign!

As for me, I think I need a trip to London. To come back to reality from where I have been. Riding the wedding train leaves one sick to one's stomach if you let it. One website, leads you to another website which leads you to another website and by the end you are cross-eyed and wondering what you were even looking for. The who and the what remain constant and on the frontal lobe, but the when, where and why seems to keep me spinning. I remember back to the weekend we all spent at From Away Farm together for your marriage celebration with all your stateside friends. I felt the warmth and the love-the setting was ideal for focusing on what everyone had arrived to celebrate-the two of you! I am trying to find that ideal of which I may never so in the meantime I am trying to ground myself a bit and determine where one celebrates such a monumental day. I will keep you abreast as my mind wanders from place to place. Until then I think of you and Julian and find happiness in knowing that love prevails!

Off camping this weekend, but would love to plan a skype for next weekend with you and Chiara this time if she will be around.

Stay strong my love I am sending you warmth and a big hug from this side of the pond!

Much love,

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