Wednesday, June 10, 2009

At the Office and Loving the Visitor.

Dear All,

A short note, as I am sitting in my office, waiting for my first client of the day to arrive. It has been good to be back at work, for the mind, for the soul, and for the body to feel that I still have it in me to do this. But, I have to say that the days have felt long and tiring, and next time around, I shall schedule things differently. Being the end of the school year, and knowing that this would be my "well week" before chemo tomorrow, I set up appointments that, with hindsight, were too close together. So, I learn, and I listen to my body, and I will change my approach.

I attach photos of my biggest hightlight while at the office these past few days... James came to visit me in my lunch break yesterday, and had a great time. In his eyes, here was a room filled with new toys! And to assure you all, no I did not test him! But it was wonderful to watch him explore. He is such a curious little boy, and the wooden rings you see here were his favourite: they are different sizes, weigh differently, you can hit them together, spin them, drop them with a bang - oh, the fun of it!

I will write more later, as I want to share about my meditation/healing workshop I went to this weekend. New chemo cycle #2 starts tomorrow and I am ready. I can do this, I will do this. Hugs to all.

1 comment:

  1. Where did the time go? Last time I saw James he was primarily in pajamas. Now he is in proper English attire for school and sitting in a chair pulled up to a mini-table! Next week I expect he will be dressed like an Oxford don and delving into the theory of relativity! Stop time in its tracks...he is growing up too fast for me to contemplate!
