Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Good morning from a VERY soggy, foggy From Away Farm. The mist is very irish, when it is misting and very Maine when it is pouring as it has done for the last 2 weeks. I look out the window and down to the pond almost hidden in the gray dampness. And speaking of windows and looking - LOOK! Here is my Thanksgiving feast marching across the garden on their was to the woods at the end of the road. I presume you will be able to see this as it is my first time for uploading a video from my tiny camera. (don't laugh, I learn these things slowly! I am always afraid some troll will come out of the computer and hit me with a bat, rather like the clowns do in the circus Anyway, the turkeys are, it would seem, a splinter group from last year's army of 22. I guess the neighbors ate the others. I know Thursday looks like lead on the horizon, but just march on like these turkeys. After all, they made it!!!!!!

Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Though your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone.
You'll NEVER walk alone. - Oscar Hammerstein

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