Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dearest Danda - I read your latest post which seemed far and away your gentlest, as I sensed real strides forward in the battle for "calm" and "peace of mind. You are, I think, finding the "zone" which I see as the ability to read yourself and your needs and your feelings and then to act upon them. The world will not reel off its axis if you take time for YOU.

Here's a little lesson that I have found helpful. When the day moves too fast, when things go awry, when people express themselves in less than steady terms, I head for a slice of nature. It has rained here for the last two week, the ground is saturated and tempers are razor sharp. But, if one uses up a minute or two just looking at small things, the rough edges smooth. To marvel is to take the time to absorb wonder. Look at the drops clinging to the stem. They don't look uptight and harried. They look calm and patient, a refection of their place in the natural world. Each drop, as we see it, is transparent. It is like a glass windowpane giving us vision beyond where we stand. So crawl out to your patio after the next rain, or have Julian swoop you up for a look at the water drops on your deep, green ivy. Look for a drop perched on a geranium. I guarantee it will be a very calm few moments. Take some soapy dish liquid too and blow some bubbles. James will like that.

Love and hugs and peace from FROM AWAY FARM and its occupants

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