Monday, June 1, 2009

New life, new hope, such promise!

Alessandra, how I have been longing to write you over the past week and a half, but between the visits to Cecilia, our beautiful new granddaughter, and taking care of the two NYC grandchildren while their parents went off on a trip, I have been away from my computer at just the time I most wanted to be supportive. Thank goodness, you have been sent the most wonderful array of messages to comfort you, stir you, and strengthen you anew. Like many others I have a new appreciation of the words of General Grant and his clarion cry to press on no matter what, thanks to Joe. Then there are the examples your mum in her run and Alexis in her preparation for the big race provide all of us with. In fact, I could speak about most every recent post, the most extraordinary of which are yours in all their moods and responses to Plowman's latest assessment. He delivered a bit of a knockdown, but like any self-respecting fighter, you seem to have regained your footing and are ready to get back in the fight with your dukes up. It's what Bryce Courtenay's hero Peekay in The Power of One discovered at an early age: in each of us there burns a flame of independence that must never be allowed to go out, the power of one. You have that flame and it is unquenchable; even if an adversity here or there dims the flame a bit, you and those who love you will blow together to make it flare up until it's as full and bright as it can be. As long as that flame exists, you cannot be defeated. We all recognize that that will in you to live and thrive is one of your most powerful assets; it makes you a world-class champion. The fight may not be orthodox, but as long as your spirit stays with you, you will be the winner. You just gotta BELIEVE you will.
As for Cecilia, I can't help but see in this child what you must have seen last summer in James: a beginning, a fulfillment, a miracle, such endless possibilities. She makes the family joyous, just as James brings you and all his other family members pure delight. Have a wonderful day with him today, just living in the moment and letting his new skills and discoveries nurture you.
P.S. Vicki, more power to you for the results in the 10K!!! Lex, please get recuperated so you can compete without pain!!!

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