Wednesday, June 17, 2009


What a great letter, Alex. It is so wonderful to hear about how you are, all the different parts of you. The ways you speak (so insightfully, of c ourse) about many different elements of yourself reminded me of when I was first sick with Crohn's. I was sidelined. Had to leave my job, lots of pain, couldn't leave the house...once I couldn't even make it to the next room to poop on the potty -- I had to just let her rip in the trash can in my bedroom. I happened to also be on the phone with a client at the time. That was the ridiculously absurd and surreal moment that finally made me realize I had to stop working and focus on getting healthy. So I created a challenge for myself to do something good for my body, something good for my mind, and something good for my soul every day. One day I might eat particularly well, read an engaging book, and talk to you on the phone (body, mind and soul). The next day I would do some light yoga, try to write a children's story, and walk on the beach. As time progressed, I found it harder and harder to decipher differences between my body work, mind work, and soul work. What was good for one was good for the other. What nurtured one nurtured the other. We are really whole creatures. So I love that you are working to quiet your mind so that you can heal your body. And I love that you are adoring your son and seeking nurturance from friends and family; I love that you are engaged cognitively in your own process, not only meta-cognitively, but also thinking about how to make use of your experience in your future career to stimulate yourself, and to help others. I hear how your body, your mind, and your soul are all at work, all working together, building on each other, healing each other. You go with your holistic self, sister!! :-)

I'm also feeling a bit blown away by how my dream the other night mirrors reality. You, in Dr. Plowman's office with newly re-emerging hair, hearing good news, such good news that he expressed some awe...Alex, that was my dream!!! I love that this makes me feel connected to you. I really could feel your momentum from here, even with your hiatus from the blog. and while I would rather like to give myself lots of credit for this, I really think it speaks to your unbelievably powerful energy, and the successful way in which you are engaging the healing power of love. So, I'm sending more and more and more to fill that tool bag of yours. Here it comes..........LOVE!!!!! - Lindsay

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