Thursday, June 4, 2009

You are doing it!


Can't write much right now, work has me bogged-you know eye twitching kind of stress as I try to decipher the numbers that make up my business. This coming from the girl who was failing some kind of ridiculous math class at Andover, but in the good nature of the math dept (who met about me as a whole) decided to pass me because "I try so hard"! This is the mantra I live by. No matter what I do, be it successful or not, I always try so hard even years later when no one is applauding me but myself.

You try so hard. I see it in your fighting words and in your proactive approach to beating this disease. You are your own best advocate for trying so hard! And I am giddy with happiness when I see you taking control of this disease in every facet of your life. You have cancer, but cancer does not have you.

AND THE LYMPH NODE SHRINKING! Are you kidding me?! That is the best news I have heard to date. The pesky bump that is seems to have almost disappeared-something that you feel and no scan has to show you. That is wonderful; it should put a smile on your face knowing that that bump was something tangible that you could feel that is now less noticeable to YOU! Congratulations on fighting the good fight-you will win-you will be the one that makes this disease disappear-you are doing it as we speak!

Chiara is my hero! I thank the heavens that she is your sister who stands by your side!

And that little James, I look forward to the day that he is grown and that biscuit in his hand turns to an ice cold Heineken and with his sunglasses on we bask on the deck of the Alessandra while he amuses us with stories of college life while we reminisce about our youth gone by!

I love you!!

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