Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunday Evening.

Dear All,

Since chemo on Thursday, I have "disconnected" from phone and computer: not a conscious decision, but I guess an inherent need to tune out from electronics and to tune into my own energy as my body adjusts to a new round of meds. There are so many emails that I would like to respond to, and my answering machine informed me today that I have 26 messages, with no more room for new recordings...If only, in my periods of perceived "unresponsiveness". I could have you all feel how much you are missed and how much I think of you in so many moments of my day. I had planned to write at length today, knowing that many of you await updates and news, but instead I spent time outdoors with James, as we were graced with a sunny day. I have much to share, all good, but it will have to wait until tomorrow, as I am feeling exhausted, a side effect that I expected in what has become a familiar journey.

But one thing that I cannot leave until tomorrow to share is that my cousin Alexis, who set up this blog and writes frequently on it, just completed her San Francisco triathalon today in stellar form! You have all read about her training over the past few months and how much heart and soul she has put into the preparation. I am SO, SO PROUD of her strength and determination... and I am hoping to do her proud too, one day, when I cross my own finish line.

Hugs to all.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Alexis! Congratulations!!! I hope you have a massage set-up for soon!
